It is often assumed:
Biome update (savanna, mesa, desert, swamp, …) (it was promised in Minecon that they will be updated in the future)
Combat Update (there are already Combat Snapshots)
End update
Combat AND End Update (as with 1.9)
What do you think? And what do you hope?
I think there will probably be a new mob with a new boom, and maybe a new dimension
I hope something like that comes with new dungeons / loot and new Npcs or maybe an update with the aither
I think there will be something with biomes (I think the end update is illogical)
Dungeon update, that would be really cool!
They have been the same for decades.
Ether or something, that would be nice.
An end update, because Mojang himself once said that the end is way too empty.
Combat system completely new is relatively unlikely as the current combat system works well. But an update with some adjustments would make sense. A completely new dimension is also unlikely. My guess is that they're doing something with the Elder Guardian. But I also hope for an end update.
Most of the large servers are still on 1.8 because the PVP system at that time was much more popular. To get these servers to finally update to the latest version, a PVP update would be urgently needed. Take a look at Jens' Combat Snapshots, I think they're really great. He won't do it for free, sooner or later Combat will probably be updated. Right now I think it's really great for PvE, but not for PvP.
It's just something completely different. And there are many servers that are 1.14+ only. People just got used to 1.8.
Yeah, that's right. That's why they want to attract people with a mix of 1.8 and current Combat, and improvements such as stackable potions.
Then it is not as blatant a change as from 1.8 to the current Combat. But does it work? We'll see xD
Pvp update
Yes mega