Problem with the NVIDIA GeForce gtx 1050ti?


I have the graphics card NVIDIA GeForce gtx 1050ti and come with this, with the standard resolution of 1920x1080px (I think) not over 60fps.

That's basically not unusual at first, as it is not the best now.

However, my friend has the NVIDIA GeForce gtx 1050 and can easily get over 100fps.

The 1050ti is actually more powerful, right?

Maybe someone of you can tell me if, and if so, how can I extend the fps?

(The information I have from the game Minecraft…)


That is also the rest of the system. Most of the cpu
sounds like for 100% more powerful, a lot of sure that he has the normal gtx 1050 or hear no
I do not even reach 100 fps with my 1060?
he may have lied and not even the same graphics settings as you.
otherwise no plan he has overclocked extremely?


I have the Ryzen 7 2700x eight core processor
I'm pretty sure he has the 1050!
That makes me too confused…
Of course I do not know about graphic sclerosis, but he did not lie! I was there myself!
I do not think he can do that…


You should make sure that you both use the same version, graphics settings, and mods in the comparison. The amount of RAM allocated can also play a role here.


I basically do not get over 60fps. So she's certainly throttled or something. Unfortunately, I have no idea about this topic…


Numm 4. Then I would be the only one that he did not even have the graphics settings on top otherwise I would be a mystery.

because even if he has nen more powerful cpu, barely possible with nem cpu 100% performance of a graphics card to outbid.

for example If he had NEN double sucked as you would that maybe if it goes well 10% more fps if ever there's the graphics card then bottlenecker. (means the cpu crashes out)

but even if that would be completely irrelevant NEN 500 euro cpu for ne 150 euro graka squeeze xD


I again that I'm reading this, have you possibly switched on with your attitude "vsynch" on?

turn this off. The capt namely your fps always on 60 and will never go over it and he hats maybe out if you have NEN 60 hz monitor.


Right click on the desktop

Nvidia system control

Global attitude

Vsync off