Recommended new hardware?


I know the subject a little better, but would still be interested in your opinion…

I have to build a "completely" new PC, but now the problem of the future components…

I first considered buying an Intel core i5 9600 or the upcoming 10xxx. In addition an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660.

Otherwise, I had considered an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 in connection with an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 or AMD Ryzen 5 3600X

Now I'm not sure whether I'm taking one of my chosen components or even a completely different one… What do you say? Do you have a recommendation?

Approaches: With the GPU it should basically stick with Nvidia, the prices should if possible not exceed 300 rises (rather already 200-250) and I use my PC for gaming from: "Subnautica, Minecraft, For Honor and further, it should be able to cope with games similar to Fortnite or simulators (not at maximum but shy and fluent)

In addition, he should be able to render reasonably well and be able to use "Unreal Engine" or "Unity".

I would also be grateful if you then give a motherboard recommendation, CPU fan and power supply recommendation, thank you.

The general price limit is 1200 euro. (Setup not intrigued with a)

-I would just like to know what you recommend, thanks, because I can never really decide.

(AMD or Intel what are you currently saying?)

(I'm sure about the case, "BeQuiet")

Recommended new hardware

In addition, the PC should be black in color (see picture) or (if then) completely flooded with RGBs.

I look forward to your feedback 🙋🏻♂️


I don't know how you can currently recommend an Intel CPU… Higher power consumption, poorer P / L ratio much more difficult to cool, mainboards have a new socket every year and to overclock I need both a k cpu and a much more expensive motherboard than with AMD… And for the fact that I have the minimally better performance in some games through Intel, well that's just not worth it, especially because the GPU is the limit in 95 percent of cases.


CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
Mainboard: MSI Tomahawk Max


2060 and 3600 or 1660S and 3600.
Power supply: Be Quiet PurePower 5
Mainboard: an affordable B450 such as B450 AORUS ELITE, ASROCK B450 PRO4 or MSI B450 A-PRO MAX


Thank you for your contribution! 👍🏽


I had forgotten exactly the tomahawk


Thank you very much! 👍🏽


You're right, the AMD is more appropriate for me, thanks. 👍🏽


Pure power 5. Something is wrong with pure power 10 or 11 but please not 5 the power supply is very old


For the power adapter, I have committed myself to the PurePower are too expensive to my taste, and there's no PurePower 5 at all. SystemPower 9 → no CM and only 80+ bronze but cheap and you don't see the excess cables with a BeQuiet housing.


I consider it, thanks a lot!


AMD is currently at least one step ahead when it comes to CPU's. When it comes to value for money.

Some of those who wrote that they didn't have a good experience with AMD at the time, may have used the old AMD CPUs (bulldozers) and they really weren't good. The new Ryzen's are always recommended.

Have the Ryzen 5 1600 myself.


AMD currently offers good performance for graphics cards and processors at a fair price. That would be best for your budget.


My decision was as good as on AMD, thanks for your contribution 👍🏽


I also see it that way, my decision has been made 👍🏽

