Minecraft 1.16] How can I block an armorstand from being placed?


Or which InteractEvent do I need for this or can it not be prevented at all? With


you should be able to prevent that according to the Internet, but not funzt. I have already tried several different EntityEvents…


In the EntitySpawnEvent you have to query whether event.getEntity () is an instance of ArmorStand and then cancel that


I already have that in

public void onPlayerInteract (PlayerInteractEvent e) {
Player p = e.getPlayer ();
if ((e.getAction () == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) && (p.getItemInHand (). GetType () == Material.ARMOR_STAND)) {
e.setCancelled (true);

written in because

public void onEntitySpawn (EntitySpawnEvent e) {
if (e.getEntity () instanceof ArmorStand) {
e.setCancelled (true);
Bukkit.broadcastMessage ("§5ARMORSTANDDD");

is much longer than

… P.getItemInHand (). GetType () == Material.ARMOR_STAND

But to be honest, your idea occurred to me shortly after asking the question xD What can I say at this time


You could set a command block to always active and repeat with the command / kill @e [type = armor_stand]


@EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerInteract (PlayerInteractEvent e) {
Player p = e.getPlayer ();
if (Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK.equals (e.getAction ()) && Material.ARMOR_STAND.equals (p.getItemInHand (). GetType ()) {
e.setCancelled (true);

Don't forget to register the event handler, otherwise it won't work.