I noticed that a lot of kids play Minecraft, once I came to visit a kid yelling "I want to play minecraft" because he got a penalty
and also every child I see in the household are only playing minecraft
Why is the game so popular with children?
Is just a snap. 🤷🏾♂️
Is just a virtual Lego kit and children love to let off steam creatively.
Because it is fun! --logical or?
Yes, but why only kids?
I would say that too
Yes, you're right
but I would find it better if they play in real lego and not sitting all day in front of the console
That's what you said, but it's not like that. Minecraft is also played by millions of adults and teenagers.
Typical cliché, Minecraft is really installed on a lot of computers and just as many play it. But it is mainly children that I think is a rumor. If you know AbgegrieftHD, he shot a video on his server, where the youngest and the oldest griefergames player gets their wish fulfilled. Well, the youngest was 10 years old, the oldest around the 45th If that's not an age range, I know net further. Anyway, statistically, most people between the ages of 16 and 25 are playing Minecraft
Eh, no?
Well that should play the lego simulate virtual and lego is intended for children
Already heard that millions of people can sit in a single kit at the same time and build together? It works in Minecraft, not in Lego
Look ma down below, then you'll understand what I mean by scrolling down
Yes and there are always 90% children present no matter in which server
Because you better ask again