Kid friendly Minecraft server, could that be good?

- in Plugins

I would like to briefly introduce our latest project and we hope that we can win one or the other for ourselves. It actually started out as a "hobby post" here at Girlfriend, where someone (a grandfather) was looking for a server or information about a kid-friendly Minecraft server for his grandchildren. Since 35+ (myself father of 3 guys) came back to the idea of "man the problem but know somewhere" would be there with some other parents also need for a child-friendly server network, which one just specially (with some ideas) builds up differently, available? Because eternal playing with dad or "grandpa" in this case is "boring"

Now what can I tell you, after writing a post in the Minecraft Germany group (FaceBook), getting a huge wave of positive feedback from other parents, I was able to find a like-minded father (also 35+) with the same Thoughts with which I have just implemented the idea through a sponsoring partner.

A suitable website (forum) with some tips, rules and a description of our project are also incidentally in progress, the servers themselves are already in the starting blocks.

In our network children should not be able "independently" to make an entry on the whitelist (lack of control), but just the parents.

We're parents ourselves and also "online gamers", however, we find that far too many parents are not at all interested in what (FSK) or let alone how long your children play something online (online). Minecraft is the most harmless game there's "online", unfortunately the community is not easy and that's why it often casts a bad light on the game, especially through many Youtube projects.

We want to change that and much more with our idea behind in relation to Minecraft, because who cares (for his kids) who cares what his child is doing and where, his child (and himself)) not the pocket money with "cosmetic knick knacks" of xyz HD / abge ++ ft and Co. Servers is drawn from the pants!

We're even in the process of developing a plugin where a player is given a "daily game time" (by his parents) and the plugin then automatically locks the player from our server when he has reached his daily playing time "with us ". Can then "play with us" again next day.

Would you let your child play on such a network and does that sound interesting to some of you as well?


Nice idea with many problems.

In our network children should not be able "independently" to make an entry on the whitelist (lack of control), but just the parents.

How do you want to check who is old and if it is the children? For example, what would prevent a 30-year-old from registering on the server?

we find that far too many parents are not interested in what (FSK)

What does the FSK have to do with games (apart from being carriers of the USK)? They try to classify films. Games are classified by the USK and I really do not think much of that.

We want that and much more with our idea behind in terms of Minecraft
to change

And how? You describe here that you have a project and that you are interested in age information, and that you / the online community is in parts a thorn in the eye. But I do not see any solutions.

who cares what his child and where it drives, that his child (and a self) does not pull the pocket money with "cosmetic knick knacks" from xyz HD / abge ++ ft and Co. Servers out of the pants

I just do not even understand half of what you write. It seems a bit like you just threw 3-4 clauses together.

We're even in the process of developing a plugin where a player is given a "daily game time" (by his parents)

And again the question: how do you want to verify that.

To top it all off, even if it all worked, what would prevent the child from simply going to another server?

Otherwise purely from the text I would have vmtl. The first 4 paragraphs saved. They are for the technical questions or requirements rather uninteresting and take only space.


+ Girlfriend is not a contact forum and certainly not made for advertising


That comes in. In addition, however, one can also see it as a pure question, if there's any interest at all for that.

That may decide the support, that's why I let out the part of the criticism just once.


+ and who knows if you really are a father with kids at all and not, sorry for expressing yourself, a pauper with the potential to manipulate small children? Or worse?


But well, I trust "you" time: actually a good idea…


who cares what his child and where it drives, that his child (and a self) does not pull the pocket money with "cosmetic knick knacks" from xyz HD / abge ++ ft and Co. Servers out of the pants

I just do not even understand half of what you write. It seems a bit like you just threw 3-4 clauses together. "

He means the classic Pay2Win So VIP, Items, Fly for real money.

But you have to ask yourself if a player can pay on his own there, not really big enough for a "real" server.


How do you want to check who is old and if it is the children? For example, what would prevent a 30-year-old from registering on the server?

Through a whitelist on which you have to register, without this no access to the network. As the parents talk to us personally on the discord, we talk to you (and the child) so you get an impression.

What does the FSK have to do with games (apart from being carriers of the USK)? They try to classify films. Games are classified by the USK and I really do not think much of that.

FSK / USK do not care, I want to point out… That it just can't be the kids "BlackOPs" or GTAV and Co. Gambling should and unfortunately many parents sch… Anyway. I do not let my kids look "ES" ;-)

And how? You describe here that you have a project and that you are interested in age information, and that you / the online community is in parts a thorn in the eye. But I do not see any solutions.

Correct, the problem is not the game itself (which many parents think), but the community mainly through the hyped YouTube projects and servers. Change can't only make it better ;-)

I just do not even understand half of what you write. It seems a bit like you just threw 3-4 clauses together.

As just mentioned, the big servers are the problem, say those through your Youtube videos. The names I have intentionally not tendered… It's just that it can't be that are lured by such "misleading" videos children on server, where you spend then just up to 150 euro for "cosmetic" in game things, for it Minecraft has not been developed to "make rich" Youtuber.

And again the question: how do you want to verify that.

Mother of Luke (8) comes on the discord and has a short conversation with us, then we talk to her and the child (clarify rules or procedures, etc.).

If you say so now; "Luke should only be allowed to play online with us for 2 hours a day" we set up accordingly for our system. Of course we can't control what he wants to do afterwards and elsewhere, and that's not our job. But we can say that his Minecraft time with us already before X Min./Std. Expired (is) and have done our part. If you have a question should come…

To top it all off, even if it all worked, what would prevent the child from simply going to another server?

Um, none of us… As well, do not sit "physically" next to each child. So a little control or supervision should you as a parent already bring? Do not you have children… They do what you want or how… Should I understand that?


Yes, of course, the KIDS can easily use their PaySafeCard to spend their pocket money (our hard-earned salary) and we may not even get it.
Now P2Win not necessarily, but in the meantime have some under control but just the cosmetic features… Exactly VIP, Hero, Expert and how they are not all.


I think you're going to have a lot of trouble finding players like that

The kids are playing on your server so they can play safely even without parents, but still the parents should go about their duty of supervision? Do you see what a tiny sneeze there's between "let the kids play where they want" and "oversee them while playing / zsm playing with them" you want to cover?


So there are also parents who can play with their children with us (if you want) that to one, but their kids can play with us with a good conscience alone.

And I'm seriously wondering where your problem lies? I suppose you have no children, so that's why you question that forever. So I'll try it a different way;

Mom and Dad (his) is not only "bee and flowers" but also take responsibility for the little "bees"; I want to point out that if you are a "conscious parent", you should be interested in what your child is playing, where and how long. Who the sausage is or does not like the idea behind our parents project, but he should let me play his child the whole day "Fortnite"…

There are: kids internet browsers, child search engines, kids tv etc. Why not a kids server?!


Not interesting for us.

My son (9 years old) does not play MC online and he sticks to the rules when he has to go out. There's nothing left for him. There are 😉

What he does on the Internet, he sometimes looks at MC videos on YouTube, we control.

I do not think the idea is bad.


Thank you, YOU can happily watch the plan… Because at some point he will want to "play online" with classmates or buddies to build great things together and to "fight" who the best Minecrafter is ;-)


I'm sorry, I do not want to demotivate you.

And yes, I have no children, is with almost 20, but probably more normal ^^
But I know Minecraft, the servers, players and what's going on.
And I also know that a server does a lot of work, so I would like to prevent you from landing again at Girlfriend.Net in half a year and asking why the server is not running even though you are ripping open the very latest, lots of time, money and work you have invested in it so that will.

I think the principle is good in itself, but at the same time I do not see it through pink red glasses and, because of my experience, I have to seriously doubt that this will work out the way you want it to.


As the parents talk to us personally on the discord, we talk to you (and the child) so you get an impression.

And what would prevent me, for example, from spending me as a parent? Especially with older children this will hardly be so easy.

FSK / USK do not care, I want to point out… That it just can't be the kids "BlackOPs" or GTAV and Co. Gambling should and unfortunately many parents sch… Anyway. I do not let my kids look "ES" ;-)

Sure, that works. Depending on the age of the children, the parents can also assess this "on their own responsibility".

From time to time that I think FSK and USK not good (somehow I like the PEGI ever better).

The names I have intentionally not tendered… It's just that it can't be that are lured by such "misleading" videos children on server, where you spend then just up to 150 euro for "cosmetic" in game things, for it Minecraft has not been developed to "make rich" Youtuber.

The bothering with the bothering me less, rather than that there for me, first of all, a jumble of phrases with a few explanations.

Otherwise, the question remains: What would prevent children from going to other servers? There will certainly be servers on which you do not have to pay anything.

If you say so now; "Luke should only be allowed to play online with us for 2 hours a day" we set up accordingly for our system.

What if the father joins in and says that he is welcome to play 2 hours longer at the weekend?

But we can say that his Minecraft time with us already before X Min./Std. Expired (is) and have done our part.

Now we come to the problem. But Lukas wants to play longer, that's why Luke just does not come to your server, but is looking for another one.

Unless the parents control it, this protection just does not bring anything. However, if the parents always have to control anyway, the protection you offer is simply obsolete.

Do not you have children… They do what you want or how… Should I understand that?

I do not have children, but that does not stop me from doubting the meaningfulness of the project.

In the end, there's a cumbersome process that provides as much / little protection as before, since all the duties (control over how long the child plays, what it plays, and where) remain with the parent.

Of that time completely off, that I think it anyway the children (at least if they are still under 12-13 years old) unattended parking in front of the PC.

I suppose you have no children, so that's why you question that forever.

Are you not allowed to have children to question such a project?

There are: kids internet browsers, child search engines, kids tv etc. Why not a kids server?!

Because it is questionable what advantage such a server offers.


What he means in the end is clear to me, but the complete sentence structure is simply incredibly difficult for me to read.


Just keep in mind, that he does not watch videos of: Abgegrieft, Dezztroyzz, SkyGuy, Phorx.


Joa is a good idea. But there would be many problems with it.

It's hard to build a normal server these days and get it with players, it would be worthwhile to play there.
In my experience, this will probably work less with child friendly, considering that most insults / stupidities / problems are caused by the kiddies. With bad luck you have n heaps of 10 year olds who insult in the chat.

The only solution that comes to mind is strict monitoring. So a team player on every server? Also difficult to set up. Chat Zensier plugin nice and good, but can be circumvented determined.

The idea with the max. Online time and not everyone can do it is pretty good and a good start. The biggest advantage I can get from this is actually that the kiddys can't get the money out of their pocket by some scamers. That alone would be worthwhile.
But I can also imagine that they quickly get bored on such a server.
But would just stop and see how it works.


In my experience, this will probably work less with child friendly, considering that most insults / stupidities / problems are caused by the kiddies.

Also difficult to set up. Chat Zensier plugin nice and good, but can be circumvented determined.

Hello, Thanks for your feedback… Yes that it is not a "licking" is me (us) aware ;-) and certainly there are also words at the beginning still get through our word filter, as there are certainly words that we did not think,

With bad luck you have then a bunch of 10 year old insulting in the chat.

We'll bend it through a ban then ;-)

It's hard to build a normal server these days and get it with players, it would be worthwhile to play there.

Yes that is correct and I know from my times of Multigaming.Network itself well enough. But this time it is true that we want to make our project "known", but we will not take every player as usual networks! Say; "Without Muddi or Vaddi, you get in net." - That's the plan, at least.

But I can also imagine that they quickly get bored on such a server.

Will show, because especially with the smaller ones, playing online with others is something new. Since I do not see the danger of the Lw now… Rather with the older who may want to play mini-games (we're not that far yet) or are looking for events. Otherwise, I think that we have covered the basic needs… But are always open for new.


Tended to mean that insults are written differently or changed with * or other characters, and thus it is harder for a plugin to recognize you. But if a person supervises it should be clear.

Also directly a ban on insult is exaggerated or? Maybe a chatban?

Say; "Without Muddi or Vaddi, you get in net."

Is true again, then you would have to find a way to make it popular with the parents

especially with the smaller ones, playing online with others is something new.

Oops, did not realize that it is a bit different with children with boredom, good point.


Also directly a ban on insult is exaggerated or? Maybe a chatban?

Yes, of course there are "mute / jail / tempban" etc. As an alternative but as you said in the hardcore "spammer" directly "cö with ö"