Christmas present for girls?



I (M13 almost 14) am in love with a girl from my class (14). I want to give her something special for Christmas. Since I can cut and edit relatively well, I thought about making a Minecraft short film. That's done now. A 10 euro Amazon voucher is built into the film. (She thinks minecraft is cool and cutting and so on). I just want to say that I'm very shy and this is one of the reasons why I chose the short film. I just want to ask if this is an Appropriate Gift.


Mine craft short film? That's unromantic. Especially the amazon coupon.


I think that's a great gift!

If she likes Minecraft and will love the editing, this is the perfect gift!

Together with a voucher.

I don't think anything can go wrong, unless she somehow refuses or something like that.

But you should try.


I think that's a good idea. Did you do well.


Is he supposed to buy flowers like everyone else or something? In a Minecraft short film there's your own work.

And a voucher is nice too.


Can't you read? It says she thinks minecraft is cool


I'm w 13 and LOVE Minecraft… And lots of girls my age play Minecraft


If she likes Minecraft, that's a great idea!