Is there something like women / girls who voluntarily play FSK18 video games?


In my whole life as someone who likes to play computer games, I've experienced a lot, but never even a woman / girl would play a FSK 18 online computer game voluntarily…

In addition, I've come across a few exceptions, but these were probably more or less influenced by a female player is only in a video game because her friend from the real life has dragged them quassi in there… That is only true on the sole experience with VRChat…

For other titles such as GTA Online, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Rust or Dead by Daylight, these titles are only crowded with men and unfortunately severely underage yelling kids! Just yesterday I experienced an event in GTA Online that I've never experienced before! Of course, a GTA player (level 2) has claimed that this is a girl where then immediately felt 1/4 of the whole lobby gathered around this player on the map as if this was an alien until I dennen first in the chat had to explain how this Internet actually works! And that just as good could be an obese 40-year-old sack or a 9-year-old kiddi looking for some sick white attention…

Something like women / girls who voluntarily play FSK18 video games does not exist…

It has nothing to do with discrimination! (I would treat it to every sex!) But it's my opinion on the whole thing here after so many years of gaming experience so appropriated…

Even my 3 year younger sister rarely plays computer games, and if you play them, it's just innocent games like Minecraft, Sims 3 or Sims 4 …


That will happen, but only relatively few. Probably they do not want to be dredged by any men the whole time, which is why they do not recognize themselves as a woman.


I (w / 18) Games a few games from 18, but also more harmless.

For example, I play GTA5 (but not so often online) and GTA San Andreas.

I also play the The Walking Dead games, which are also (mostly) over 18.

Otherwise, I play more harmless games like Sims 3 and sometimes Minecraft.

I would also like to play online shooter, but I have not yet informed about it, which game is good and cheap, etc.

But I can agree with you on the point that such games are rarely played among the female gender. I do not know any other girl that plays GTA, for example.


I'm a girl 16 games gta and resident evil used to play the forbidden part at 11 and I played gta at 14. Until dawn I played quite brutal from 18 recently. Cod and the like I've played briefly but was not so mine


If that's true, then you're a rare exception…


My brother's friend has even recommended many of the games to me, or each of his ex-girlfriends another. Sooo rare that is not so. 6 girls due I know also play gta even as a minor


In what percentage would you rate how many types and how many women are online shooters?

As (?% /?%) Ratio?


No idea but as little as you do it is not but of course less than boys


Would you say that you can become Toxic in Shooter?

(Should Tryharden, Angry for kills etc?)


Ne is just a stupid game