Understandable or not: My parents forbid me to 'kill girls do not lie'?


I would like to watch the above series. But my parents do not want me to look them over because acquaintances of them have taken the show a lot with them and they are afraid that I will get depressed or so after watching the show. They say I'm allowed to look first when I'm 18 years old and even then they would not recommend it to me.

I'm now 15 and a half years old, at school it is going well (average 1.4 high school). I do sports several times a week, like to meet friends and otherwise have a good grip on my life.

My parents still forbid me from playing 'killer games', including just about everything from 12 but also Minecraft, Fortnite or Apex Legends (do not ask why my parents see them as killer games). These games are, according to them, to blame for all the gunmen and attacks.

I think my parents exaggerate a bit. I already watch series 16 or even horror movies from 18 and can handle the whole thing in my opinion quite well. I did not have any anxiety or depression or anything like that. The book dead girls do not lie, I have already read almost and in my class many have already watched the series.

I would appreciate your opinion on the whole situation. Should I not watch the show? Or should I try to convince my parents?


Haha, what a coincidence. My parents also do not allow me to see them. Although I'm also a high school student, just like you, I'm good, I watch a lot of horror movies and I guess I can handle that as well. Well, I just bow to my parents now, because I can see horror movies in general. Right now, for example, I saw Saw V to the end. I suppose I'll just watch the show when I'm 18 and my parents are not paying attention anymore, that would be fine.


I think the show is more enlightning than brutal or something. So I think it may even be good to watch them, assuming you can deal with the topics in principle. Sure, if you have already experienced bad things, from which the series then come back memories come up you have to think carefully, if you can deal with it. It's a good idea to look at it with your parents, if they agree. And of course, it's always important to reflect on it. Basically, though, if you're a minor, your parents are of course responsible for you, and if they think the series is not for you, it's probably just good.


What does the Gymnasium have to do with it, or the good grades?


No, actually that's irrelevant, excuse me. I wanted to represent only one thing in common, since we both attend high school. This has nothing to do with the question.