Minecraft Gravity Gun, Portal Gun and Name Tag?


I would have a question.

I'm currently watching the project minecraft escape from glp and palle in Youtube. I think they play minecraft Vanilla and can craft nameplates and have a portal gun and a gravity gun.

Is it possible to make nameplates with a Command? So in the craftingtable? And is there a Command for a gravity gun and a portal gun.

If not there's a plug in?

--Minecraft 1.14.4--

I would be very happy about replies.


So the writing of name tags is very easy to solve with plugins. On the other hand there's a Gravity and Portal gun. I personally do not know this Yt project and can only vaguely answer that either a complex plugin or a mod was used.


I've watched you videos. The nameplates probably craft them through a plugin. The portal gun comes from a mod who calls the "Portal Gun Mod"



I know the mod but wanted to know if that can be done differently. With a command or something.


At least not so extensive and detailed. The animations would largely disappear


So the portal gun in the series but also had grad not the normal animation. That's why my suspicion was that it's a command.


For all who want to know.

You can create nametags with the plugin craftablehorseitems.