Can you create mobs with player heads that will not change after a skin change?

- in Skins

For MineCraft mini-games on a small server (1.13.2) I want to create Custom Mob - Spawneggs in Singleplayer and copy it over to the creative server. These mobs should wear specially created player_heads.

As far as that is not a problem, but after I use my own skin again Update the heads. Do you know there a possibility? Incidentally, the server does not belong to me, has no rights there. I can only copy items created in Single Player to the server.

The solution could bring a combination of the commands below, so far I could not implement the corresponding command in the Command_block unfortunately yet.

With this command you get not updatende player_heads (created by freshcoal):

/ Give @p skull 1 3 {display: {name: "Soldier of White Walker GoT"}, Skull Owner: {id: "53bf03fc-e8fd-4121-a0d1-4a3ace104710" Properties: {textures: [{value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMWFiOTI1NmMzNGZjY2RhNzU4ZmNlZWNkNDNlYjA1MjFiOWU5OTk0YTk5NDZkMTRhOTlhZGQyZWQ5YzE5YTJjNSJ9fX0 = "}]}}}

Here is an example command of a mob:

/ give @p zombie_spawn_egg {EntityTag: {id: "minecraft: zombie", Attributes: [{Name: "generic.followRange", Base: 500}, {Name: "generic.attackDamage", Base: 2}], IsBaby: 0, HandItems: [{id: "minecraft: iron_sword", Count: 1}, {id: "minecraft: shield", Count: 1}], ArmorItems: [{id: "minecraft: leather_boots", tag: { display: {color: 6184542}}, Count: 1}, {id: "minecraft: leather_leggings", tag: {display: {color: 6184542}}, Count: 1}, {id: "minecraft: leather_chestplate", tag: {display: {color: 6184542}}, Count: 1}, {id: "minecraft: zombie_head", tag: {SkullOwner: player name}, Count: 1}]}}


I would just use the / summon command for that, that would be much more useful and would go faster.


On the server, unfortunately, I have no rights, the only way I have is to create a spawnegg in single player and copy it to the server


You can't interrelate "have the inner simply replace,"