Did I commit an offense (sold account)?


I put a Minecraft account on EBay classifieds for 5,00 euro.

Thereupon, a buyer has reported and we came into conversation. The buyer wanted to pay the account details first and then. I trusted him and gave in first the dates. Unfortunately, there was no payment. But a long text. In this was that the sale of accounts is illegal and I would cheat on him and he wants to show me now for fraud.

I'm very surprised and worried now: /

I read the internet and in fact the sale is prohibited, I did not know that in advance. Since also mass Minecraft accounts are sold on EBay classifieds.

My big question now:

Can he report me for fraud or the like and will he succeed? This person did not even pay… So a purchase came about?


The sale itself is not punishable, but only a violation of the terms of use.

As far as your case is concerned. A sales contract basically consists of two parts - the transfer of rights and the resulting obligations. If the latter are not met, there would be a fraud.

You only resigned from the intention to sell. In view of the circumstances (you have learned that a sale is inadmissible), there are no legal consequences for you.


Please do not tell me you gave him the data… Before you got any money.

If you have confirmed the purchase, that is say he wants to buy it, then that is already a promise if you have agreed and thus a legal purchase agreement according to §433 BGB has arisen.

You have to deliver, he has to pay.
But you deliver only after money retention.


What if an ad now? How should I behave? I'm afraid because I'm not yet of age and my parents would be angry.


What if an ad now? How should I behave? I'm afraid because I'm not yet of age and my parents would be angry.


Thank you for your reply.


Thank you for your reply.


Oh man. Seriously? You are still a child?
… Then the purchase contract is obsolete anyway. If I were you, I'd tell your parents, they'll know what needs to be done.

I do not give advice in such a case to children.


The sale is forbidden but not a crime. You can't be shown.

The "buyer", yes, because of fraud. So you can threaten him and hope that you get your account again or you just get your account at Mojang again.

Simply contact the support and prove that it is your account.


Thank you for your reply!


Tell your parents and they should file a complaint against the buyer.


Are you possibly not yet of age?

If so, you should not have used Ebay at all and it was probably more related to it.

And yes: There's really trouble when Ebay gets it out. To my knowledge, this is a real offense, where it can then be a serious punishment.

Incidentally, the sale of the Minecraft account is only prohibited in the terms and conditions from Mojang. That's kind of like you would like to sell your telephone connection together with a contract.

If you are of legal age, then the maximum penalty should be that the account of Mojang is blocked. I do not really see a scam because it has not yet been put on sale.

I would cancel the purchase clean, change the password very quickly, so that the buyer no longer get there and then refrain from the further sale of the account.