Minecraft PE on tablet is not working anymore?


I have not played Minecraft PE on my tablet for ages, but recently I found my tablet again and updated the game right away, but if I go into the game now, it's just "make sure you have a license" and then it throws me out. What can I do? How could that happen? What am I supposed to do now? I really bought the game, but Mojang does not help me…


Try to uninstall and reinstall the game. Be sure to download the game from the Play Store.


You have licensing problems only if you've downloaded MCPE illegally, say about APK.
Just simply uninstall and reinstall MCPE.


I have done, now I have to pay something again, although I have already bought the game - Help! How do I get my game back?!


I bought the game officially and legally in the Google play store about 4 years ago, I just wanted to uninstall and reinstall, but now I have to install something again for the new one?! What is going on?! MY GAME IS OFF Help!


You have to log in (on your mobile phone) in the Playstore with your account where you bought Minecraft!