I have a RTX 2080 Gaming OC, a Ryzen 5 2600 and 16GB 3200MHz DDR4 RAM and still I have some strong laggs in Minecraft with the Sildurs Vibrant Ultra VL shader and with a 128x pack in the field of vision 20 although I play such as. Far Cry 5 with Reshade on Ultra and with the extra high-resolution pack with a minimum of 60-70 FPS. My question is now: Why the hell is Minecraft so elaborate although it does not look as realistic as it does for a long time? Far Cry 5 / Metro Exodus etc.
1. Because of the environment in which the game was created.
2. Due to your settings. High visibility, elaborate shader pack, etc.
Depends on the version.
The normal version is made in Java, Java is 100+ times slower than z.b. The Bedrock / Poket version which is in C ++.
Not surprised.
There are two main reasons for this in Minecraft.
First of all, the block principle is very inefficient to render because it requires a lot of triangles to represent.
In addition, the rendering system is outdated already in Minecraft (the CPU does much more than reasonable) and simply poorly written is (Optifine improves performance even through a few minor changes significantly).
The speed differences of Java and C ++ are marginal compared to the speed differences of the two Minecraft games. That does not have much to do with that.
Since I do not play such a mess. Is it just programmed badly. Probably only Java automatically ported to C ++. Ergo the slowness was taken over with / or the whole Runtimedreck simply ported with. But good to know that they do not give anything. Then it's just because it started with Java.