Minecraft: find the last creature of raid?


I built a pyramid in Minecraft survival / Normal and already a couple of villagers. The other day I met and killed an Illager patrol. The attack took place near my pyramid (probably because of the villagers), even if there's no village nearby. Now my problem is that I can't find the last creature of the 3rd wave. I've already searched everything (and all known caves) in the raid radius, but couldn't find them. I wouldn't like to cheat and go into creative mode. Who can help?


You will probably have to search ^^

Can't think of any other solution.


If you have a Glock and place it and it lights, the pillagers get a glowing effect so you can see them through walls (they are then outlined in white).


Thanks xD


Maybe it's in your pyramid, that happened to me too…




Unfortunately that doesn't work for me, thank you anyway!


Then it is too far from your location. If you have an Elytra write down the cords and fly a few thousand blocks away then despawn the creature

Minecraft raid? - 2 ca castiel50
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