Card: Nvidea GEFORCE GTX 770 2Gb
Are the games suitable for this on medium or high graphics settings:
The Evil Within, METRO Exodus, CSGO, Minecraft, GTA V
Except for Cyberpunkt, you could play anything with it. But whether it makes sense is the other question.
I would rather take ne used 1080TI or something
I have a similar NVIDIA. Glsube but from the 600 series (or maybe 700) Minecraft I think I can play inferior on medium, but rather low in the direction.
GTA V, my PC copes well with it. But I think I also put everything on low
I can sometimes play Sims 4 on high to ultra 😂
Depending on the settings, you should be able to play GTA, CS GO in any case since it is known to be the toaster game. Minecraft should be solid 100-150 FPS in medium settings.
(I have no idea about the other games)
However, you could consider purchasing a GPU from the newer generations, as you are future-proof with them. Maybe an Rx570 / 580 or RTX 2060 / super. Another point is the subject of bottleneck, which you should perhaps also deal with
Yes okay, but at the moment you can't get a single graphics card because there's a worldwide crisis of materials… So I'm glad to have one at all
Of course it is difficult to get PC hardware, but I would just search through the vast expanses of eBay classifieds, there's always a dormant GraKa.
So with GTA you will come to medium to low settings but with GTA I play on very high settings and my CPU stops everything. I have to buy a stronger CPU. 100% CPU utilization and 60% GraKa utilization.
In all honesty, don't think you'll have a lot of fun with it. Minecraft and CSGO will work fine, but your GTA V will look like San Andreas, otherwise you will hardly be able to play it smoothly.