Am I mentally broken or what are those creepy noises in Minecraft?


Sooo I play Minecraft on the xbox 360 (just for information) and since my Minecraft had a new update¿ I hear funny noises in the game again and again, the sound I can't properly describe because it is just too creepy, it sounds like a chime only longer. The sounds occur during the day as well as in the night.

I just ran into a hell and found coal, where I approached I heard this sound again but with a growl, like the growl of a monster? My friends say Herobrine is there, which I do not believe, because there's no herobrine on the xbox 360 edition. But what if he is? Why does he do nothing the whole time? And how can I find him?

Do you know what that is? Because these noises make me really paranoid.


Apparently the game makes you crazy. You should not play the game anymore


If you think it sounds like a chime you might live near a village. There are also such bells now.


No nearby is not a village or something


Of course it's Herobrine, and if the bells did not warn you enough, I can't help you either. Flee while you can! Or you will soon see his white eyes asleep.


Yes but there's the perfect place where I want to build my house; -;


You have to know what you're doing. Just ask if you would like to have Herobrine as a houseguard… There are so many other places.


The last time I heard the sound I just stayed and nothing happened, can't you turn it off somehow? I want to gamble in peace and not be bothered by herobrine.


There's a noise in Minecraft called "ambient.cave".
This appears random if in an area where it has only light level 9 during the day, so mostly in hell.

That's the sound you mean.

With this command you can play it:

/ playsound ambient.cave master @p

Here on the you can also hear the random sounds and read a bit more about it.

It's all fine, nothing is so dedicated to minecraft in any way that it should scare you. It is a game that you can play from 6.

Hope that helps!

EDIT: I see you're scared of Herobrine. However, that does not exist. He was never added. It was just a guy who uploaded an edited screenshot, and since then, they've been all over.
Also, you can turn off this sound in the sound settings.


Sure, tell a demon or - like here a ghost - that he should leave you alone. What a lumpy ghost it would be if that was so easy.

You know the risk. We've lost so many good men out there…




Herobrine was never added, but removed on every update (Update News)


Minecraft is pedagogically valuable… And besides that are the normal sounds that (normally) occur in caves.


Yes, but that was just a joke of those