Which After Effects Laptop?


I want to buy a new laptop soon because mine is really very weak, Minecraft doesn't even run smoothly on it. I really enjoy making edits and using After Effects, but most of the time my laptop can't handle it, so I usually can't even look at the preview smoothly. So now I'm looking for a laptop that is not that expensive but can do something, doesn't have to be a gaming pc and I don't want to play super realistic high quality games or something on it, but mainly use my laptop for school, editing and sometimes Minecraft or Sims.


You can of course buy a new laptop that fulfills the purpose, but I doubt whether this laptop will bring joy in the long term. If you are thinking of buying a new laptop, it should be good enough for the demands you have on it. The minimum requirements for editing are 16GB of RAM. I recommend 32GB for editing though. An I5 is okay, but an I7 or I9 would be a better choice. Graphics card can be taken onboard, but a 2060 or similar is also better.