What do you think is the best replacement for Minecraft?


I'm currently unable to play Minecraft.

But a tablet and would like to play the best possible Redstone technical replacement.


Are you looking for a game for your tablet (which operating system?) In which you build redstone-like circuit constructions? A puzzle game or a free sandbox?


Minecraft PE.


I do not know if this is available for tablets and what is for you. But you can only watch 1u.2 videos on the game Dragon Quest Build on Youtube.


I would say this game isn't finished yet, so I would say Roblox or GarrysMod are good substitutes. But this depends on which tape you have, some of them run on Windows, or you have the option of downloading steam.


The operating system is Android

More like a free sandbox


Hytale is not even close to release, let alone on tablets…

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