When I start Minecraft it always hangs, the game output says Process crashed with exit code -805306369
Try allocating more RAM to Minecraft. Usually that means Minecraft was running out of RAM.
If that doesn't work, see if you have malware / adware on your PC. That would be another possible cause. Simply run a scan with Malwarebyte's AdwCleaner (https://de.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/) and remove the malware / adware.
Reinstall it from scratch. (also delete .minecraft folder)
If MC doesn't have enough RAM it doesn't crash right away.
I know. Then there's always a stutter, every few seconds.
But if it doesn't have enough in the long run, then it will. ^^
Completely unnecessary / exaggerated
It could be, but Minecraft is assigned 2GB by default, which is enough for the start
This is how I always proceed when software hangs in my computer for no obvious reason. It is a very effective method, especially because it is often very difficult to find out what the crash code actually means with MC
I don't know how to add more ram to a program, could someone tell me?
No it is not. You just have to enter it in Google…
Without the minus, of course, because a minus on Google means that you want to exclude something from the search.
I've tried before
Normally 2GB should be enough unless he somehow assigned 5MB or something to MC
Open the Minecraft Launcher
Click on Installations
In the Minecraft installation that you normally always play, click on the three dots on the right
Click on edit
Then click on more options
Then you should see a field called 'JVM Arguments'. There you can increase the RAM
For example, I say
-Xmx2G -XX: + UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX: + UseG1GC -XX: G1NewSizePercent = 20 -XX: G1ReservePercent = 20 -XX: MaxGCPauseMillis = 50 -XX: G1HeapRegionSize = 32M
inside, which corresponds to 2 gigabytes. The important thing is the "-Xmx2G". The number there's the number of gigabytes of RAM Minecraft has. With -Xmx4G you can assign e.g. 4 gigabytes. Normally, however, 2. If it says 2 for you, then I would probably. Rather tapping that you have malware on the PC and that's why (see my second solution).
It worked, I'm testing different versions to be sure.
No problem please.