What can you do with rotten meat in Minecraft?


I have just 11 rotted meat in minecraft. I would like to know what you can do with it. I've heard that with 10 rotten flesh, you can turn that into something else. Is that correct?




However, you can use rotted meat even better for the healing of dogs, because they carry no poisoning from consumption. This is useful because you do not have to feed your own food to the dogs, but items that are of little use to the player. You can also put dogs in mating mode, so you can breed dogs as well.

It is also possible to sell rotted meat to ministers.


Thank you,

I heard you can turn 10 rotten flesh.

Is that correct?


Without mods, I would not know that


OK thanks. It may be that this was a mod where I saw it, thanks anyway Danke