How to learn to double tap to fill in Minecraft Soup-PvP?


These questions go to the Soup PvP players among you:

I have always used mouseabuse for refilling. For about a month now I have been trying to teach myself doubletab to refill, just to be able to do it, and to get smooth refills in addition to quick mouseabuse refills. I just seem to have big problems learning this way of refilling. I could only find very few tutorials on YouTube, and they didn't really help me because they were just too short and, in my opinion, far too little detail and subtleties were given. The fact that you always have to press left-click and right-click alternately, and depending on the progress of the exercise, should become faster and faster, is clearly understandable, but this information is simply not enough for me to be able to double-tab really well. So I just try to get help here from people who are familiar with this species and who can claim to be good at it. I look forward to every helpful answer!

Brief warning: You should perhaps bring some time, because the following text will definitely be long:

First of all, I have to say that with Doubletab I can sometimes refill quite quickly. But the problem is precisely this "partial". Actually, I do the same thing with every refill, and always make the same effort, only then there are refills that are so fast that I don't even know where exactly I got the soups from the Inv, and others again sooo extremely slow and bad that I could press Alt F4 out of frustration. As I said, I always do the same thing, I don't vary, so that could be the reason why one refill is baba and the other is completely trash. And by the way, we're talking about refills, where my inv is full of soups, i.e. Not with isolated soups, where the hand movement for the refill is different, and thus the problem is with aiming, which I'm still thinking about got used to. No, it's always the same, and sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and of course I try to get all refills to be equally good. If I now see refilling a Sasukey, for example, probably the greatest doubletab legend ww, then you can't even see your fingers lift off the mouse buttons during the refill, they are always on the keys and just press. In addition, his ring finger is always on the right of the mouse. For me it is so that you can clearly see that my fingers are always lifting off the mouse buttons during the refill, between clicking, and that it is very difficult for me to refill while my ring finger is on the right of the mouse. That is never the case with my ring finger anyway, when gaming, like my little finger, it actually only drags around on the mouse pad, and helps so well with aiming…


Like not at all. When refilling, however, he "wiggles" with the middle finger, so to speak, which clicks in the air. Is that a problem for Doubletab, or does it matter if I do this because it is easier for me?

My next problem would be exactly alternating between left and right clicks. If I do it slowly, yes, it is ez, but as soon as I get faster I notice myself automatically starting to click mostly at the same time. So when I click at the pace at which you normally double-tap, I click almost all at the same time, and not alternately. Any tips on how best to practice this?

As mentioned earlier, my fingers always lift off the mouse buttons between clicks because I find it very difficult to keep my fingers on the mouse buttons and click quickly while doing so. This is definitely a problem for me, because Sasukey does it differently, and my goal is actually to be able to double-tab as well as he xD at some point. Any more suggestions to improve this, because lifting your fingers off the mouse buttons in the meantime significantly reduces the cps?


I would also be interested in whether you should click left or right first when you start a doubletab refill. (?) Should you rather go to a relatively low DPI, or to a normal to high DPI, but with smaller hand movements for aiming? With a DPI of 1650 and an ingame sensitivity of 18% (Badlion Client), do I have too high a sensitivity for doubletab? An answer to this question would be particularly important to me because I find it very difficult to aim in the Inv, with the doubletab refill, with isolated soups in the Inv.

How many average cps on both mouse buttons are good for a stable doubletab, and how many and higher is a heavy doubletab?

When doing double tabs, you should keep your fingers loose, can someone describe which pressure would be approximately optimal? And is it bad if the thumb is a little tense to aim?

Should one always refill from left to right in the Inv, or wouldn't it be the other way around every now and then?


Unfortunately, I also have the problem that shortly after I started double-tapping, my middle finger often no longer clicks at all, but only keeps the right mouse button pressed, which I almost never notice when refilling. This is of course bad because I only refill with one mouse button, which of course slows down the refill significantly. For me this usually happens automatically when I start refilling quickly. Of course, I can avoid that by always lifting my middle finger off the mouse button between clicking from the right, but as I said before, I don't want that because it would reduce the Cps. Any tips on how I could get rid of this problem?

At the beginning of the refill, is it advisable to let your fingers fall a little on the mouse buttons and click a little harder on the first few clicks before softening up?

Is the thumb enough to aim, or should the ring finger help out in any case?


Finally, one more thing: I somehow have the feeling that my "doubletab" is completely different from that of e.g. Sasukey, but also all the others who are good at it. When I look at it in YouTube videos, it just looks very different to me. Much smoother anyway. From the clicksounds alone, everything seems to be different there than it is with me, if you compare the two soundscapes. Even the refills from me, which are actually very quick and beautiful, somehow feel completely different from what it looks like on YouTube. Maybe someone knows why that could be? I also have to say that I'm currently playing with the Logitech G502 HERO, which is actually one of the best mice for Doubletab, which only makes me even more frustrated because I can't seem to get it right even with this mouse…

Please don't write in response that this is just a matter of practice, if you were going to. I already know that, and it's not as if I haven't made any progress since I started with Doubletab because I've been really looking for Minecraft. It's just that practice has still not helped me get rid of these mistakes that I seem to be still making. I just feel like I'm getting better at what I'm doing wrong… So I felt it was necessary to just get help from people who are familiar with and mastered Doubletab before I get used to anything stupid which later becomes difficult to get used to again. Therefore, I can't look forward to a strong refill with doubletab, because unfortunately something like this only happens to me in part, and the rest is bad or unsmooth again for me. Whenever I pull out a good refill, I always have to expect that the next one will be bad again, so the chance of a good refill is more or less 50/50 for me. That has to change in any case, because I have to feel that I can easily grab every refill and not: "Can I do it or not?"…


Definitely kiss to everyone who has read this far. As you can see, this is very important to me, and so I look forward to any helpful answer. It would of course be best if you could briefly address each point raised.


My guy, you are overthinking this. Everyone has their own method of playing but the main thing is actually practicing. The longer you practice, the better you'll get, and eventually you'll fall into a rhythm that works for you. These ppl didn't become gods immediately. They've played soup for years to get that good. One thing that has helped me become a lot better is playing the glass kit ninja on munchy, and purposefully going in for trades with high dps kits like pvp. You eventually find yourself souping faster and more efficiently just from getting used to the speed at which you have to soup to stay alive.


my cord is Sprint#2432 if u got any other questions (or if ur interested in joining up on munchy to improve)