My Mincraft doesn't work anymore since I downloaded Cheat Engie today. I uninstalled CheatEngie again but minecraft doesn't start! So the launcher already but not the game! Today I bought MVP + on Hypixel and now it doesn't work anymore I don't know what to do I have already restarted my PC and shut it down and started it up again. But it doesn't work that makes me very unhappy I hope someone can help me! I have the latest Java version!
Is there no error message? Does it just not start?
Is there just one version that doesn't work?
Please try a different version.
If so, go to% appdata% /. Minecraft / versions and delete that version's folder. Then start Minecraft in the version you just deleted. This will reinstall it.
It's an infinite loading screen
Not working, it's an infinite loading screen
Click on Settings in the launcher (bottom left), and then on "Open output log as soon as games are started". Then you start your Minecraft. The output protocol should also open here. In this you tick Warn, Error and Fatal.
You copy everything that is in it and write it to me here as an answer.