Forge 1.8.9 crashed on launch?

- in Launchers

When I start Forge 1.8.9, it loads normally, but the moment it loads, the game crashes and I'm back in the launcher.

Only LiquidBounce is installed, but the same thing happens without it. Here is the crash report if it helps. All other profiles, including other Forge versions, e.g. Forge 1.12.2, start normally. The error message is saying 'the game crashed whilst unexpected error error java.lang.nosuchmethoderror: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_184193_al () Lnet / minecraft / server / management / PlayerList;

Kind regards

Google document from crash report, because this does not fit here


This is probably because you installed a mod that is not compatible with Forge version 1.8.9.


There's something from WorldEdit in the log. Forge 1.8.9 tries to load WorldEdit for 1.12.

As I already said, wrong Mod version.

Take WorldEdit out or get the right version.


Thank you very much


Jo please.