Disadvantages if your Minecraft server is cracked?

- in Launchers

I have a friend who doesn't want to buy the Minecraft Launcher but he still wants to play on my server! If I set the server to cracked can players op or something like that cheat themselves?


If he got the game cracked you should report him to the police because something like this is called "Game Piracy" and is very punishable


Yes that is very easy. If the online mode is not activated, the authentication takes place via the name, so every cracked player in this world could simply log in with your name and then also have all your rights.


Then you can tell them why stealing is not great and ask them how they would react if someone steals their PC because someone wants one but doesn't want to pay for it.


If I set the server to cracked can players op or something like that cheat themselves?

If you set the online mode to false, everyone could pretend to be a different player, as there's no binding and verification of the usernames.

So someone could give himself the name of an admin, join the server and use OP via it

There's no legal free Minecraft - if he wants to play, he will have to take the money in hand once. Personally, I would not run a publicly accessible server in offline mode


Neither do I - precisely to put an end to these pirated copies…

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