Crackoder Original?

- in Mods

Is a stupid question I know and I know the original games run smoother than cracked but I have a different experience

I used to crack Minecraft and it ran smoothly and when I bought it and played it I realized that it was a lot less Fps than the cracked one

Cracked = High FPS

Original from the game Developer = Medium FPS

It was the same as in The Forest, but with the cracked version I had to wait much longer to load it

How can that be?

At the forest I had 1.09 version (cracked) and the current version was also 1.09 as with the originals and when I bought it I also tested if I have more fps

When cracked I had 40-50fps

At the original 20-31fps

Same Version No Extra Mods No FPS Boost Same graphics settings in the background ran nothing except the game

And no that is not spam or troll question but really serious because it can't be that a cracked better performance than the originals!


"Is a stupid question i know and i know the originals games run smoother than cracked but i have a different experience"

Why do you claim that then? Because there's nothing to it.


Ka feel fooled by the game XD but actually it is not possible that cracked games are liquid


However, there may be several reasons, e.g. Missing copy protection etc…


Exactly, alone denuvo eats performance


I know the original games run smoother than cracked

Huh? I've never heard that. If that's the opposite, depending on which corrosive DRM is removed.