Minecraft is not working anymore, who can

- in Launchers

One day when I was about to play minecraft I clicked on the minecraft launcher on version 1.12.2 the mojang image appeared, but then it showed up, no feedback. It did not work anymore. Later, an error javas binary appeared to stop working. Does anyone know why I can't play minecraft anymore?


So. Please show us the error. Then the log and possibly the crash log…

What kind of PC do you use? ^^


There was no error


And there's no crash log


And please do not tell me you can't help me


Turn the upper two bars to green:

Minecraft is not working anymore, who can

Then post here the log you get when launching Minecraft.


Look under

% AppData% \. Minecraft \ logs \ latest.log

and the crash log if available would be under

% AppData% \. Minecraft \ crash-report

Alternatively, use the method of MrAmazing2 ^^

Gaming PC config? cu cutenimble
Minecraft mod not working? Ma MariahBentlee