I bought Minecraft Java for my Windows 10 PC (didn't know I had Windows 10), now after installing the Minecraft.msi file I always get problems. When clicking on the file, the error message appears on the screen:
"Could load launcher…"
"Unable to start the Minecraft Runtime Environment. This is most likely caused by a corruption. Please try to reinstall Minecraft"
Then I try to download it again, but then the same thing comes back.
Can you tell me what i can do
Java I have the latest version
Did you run the .msi as admin? Here you only get the launcher, maybe it works: https://launcher.mojang.com/...ecraft.exe
I don't know anything about computers, so I have no idea if I did it😅 how do I do this?
You have probably opened the msi with a double click. To run a file as admin, right click on the file and select "run as administrator"
You have to try to search for the Mincraft download with the command
Windows key + R and then search for ".Minecraft".
then you go to the folder and just delete the folder. Once you've done that, just reinstall Minecraft and create a new folder on your Data D hard drive, and just install Minecraft in the folder
I hope it helps. If you have any further questions, simply write to them or add them to Discord
IceCr3am # 6907
Unfortunately does not work.
Unfortunately, that doesn't work either.