Export MCP reborn?

- in Launchers

I programmed a Minecraft client for the 1.16.5 with the MCP-Reborn (https://github.com/Hexeption/MCP-Reborn) and now want to export it from IntelliJ. If I do this as described in the instructions, then all files are also contained in the output jar. But if I then take the .json file from the normal 1.16.5 folder, it either downloads the 1.16.5, or if I remove the downloads in the .json file, I can't find the client in the Minecraft Launcher. So now my question: What does the .json file have to look like for my client? Have already tried it out a bit, but then Minecraft crashes or, as I said, downloads the vanilla file.


The json file must have the same name as the folder and the jar file and the same name must appear in the json file for id.


I've already done that, in the end it was a bracket that wasn't right in the Json

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Export jar file? Do Dogsled