I can't log in to Minecraft launcher?

- in Launchers

I have not been able to log in to Minecraft launcher or Minecraft.net for a couple of weeks (Minecraft.net does not have the "Login Button" function, nothing happens when I click it, and Minecraft launcher is always on, though mine means enter correct data:

"Invalid Email or password If your account was created after November 2012 or is already a Mojang account, use your email address, otherwise your username.").

I can log in to my laptop or friends' PC with the same data…


Exactly such problem my friend also had on his computer, which he can only log on his computer no Mincraft Accaount. Then he downloaded some tool that can solve the problem (which unfortunately I do not know how this tool is called)


Other browser?


Then come again.


Have you ever used an accou t of MCLeaks?

Because then you have to change the login server via the tool again.


Could you find out how this tool is called?


Thanks, that was the fault I solved it now!