Minecraft] 1.16.5 How does a command block know if you are holding a totem in the off-hand?


I have created a command (see below) with which you get many boosts, including 2 more Hertz bars. But these must be charged differently than with the effect absorption and a that takes quite a long time, I wanted to ask whether it is possible that an execute command recognizes and then recognizes the command

effect give @s regeneration 2 255 true

executes. (Of course all of this has to be in one command because otherwise @s won't work)

Here is the give totem command:

(created on the platform https://mcstacker.net/)

give @p totem_of_undying {display: {Lore: ['{"text": "I'm a' normal 'totem!", "color": "aqua", "italic": true}']}, AttributeModifiers: [{AttributeName: "generic.max_health", Name: "generic.max_health", Amount: 40, Operation: 0, UUID: [I; 580074717, -91340533, -1132195556,82741190], Slot: "offhand"}, {AttributeName: " generic.attack_speed ", Name:" generic.attack_speed ", Amount: 10, Operation: 2, UUID: [I; -61054509,381700550, -1353670409, -45837563], Slot:" offhand "}, {AttributeName:" generic .attack_damage ", Name:" generic.attack_damage ", Amount: 0.1, Operation: 2, UUID: [I; -1475008531, -1991227639, -1651341309,654026224], Slot:" offhand "}, {AttributeName:" generic. Movement_speed ", Name:" generic.movement_speed ", Amount: 1, Operation: 0, UUID: [I; -1415648977, -1154202516, -1959904261, -669406169], Slot:" mainhand "}, {AttributeName:" generic. Armor_toughness ", Name:" generic.armor_toughness ", Amount: 700, Operation: 0, UUID: [I; -584115589,902644476, -1451621037,1475945607], Slot:" offhand "}, {AttributeName:" generic.armor ", Name: "generic.armor", Amount: 0.5, Operation: 2, UUID: [I; 6223884,102384584, -2072937667,1262813215], Slot: "offhand"}]} 1


/ effect give @s [nbt = {Inventory: [{id: "minecraft: totem_of_undying"}]}] regeneration 2 255 true


But this only asks if you have a totem in your inventory. I would like to ask if you have a title in your off hand…

But of course thanks anyway 😄


/ execute if entity @p [nbt = {Inventory: [{id: "minecraft: totem_of_undying", Slot: -106b}]}]


Thank you 😁