Why can't I run in dreams


I can't run fast during chases, only as fast as slow walking pace, as if I were hanging in a Minecraft spider web (if someone knows it) is very relaxed…

I can't close my eyes in the dream to look away either. Is that because they are already in real life?

Usually when I'm not in deep sleep I can control the dream somewhat. Even if it ends, I can do it again with a little concentration "on its own".

I'm less looking for a dream interpretation than a trick / training to get that away.


Have to go to Fitti in the next dream


Interpreting the dream would help you understand what your subconscious is telling you. To change the dream with a trick would mean to stifle the information of your psycho. This is a method that harms you in the long run, because that's exactly how you put a part of your person in chains, you don't let them run free, so to speak - exactly what this dream image is about.

So if you can't run again in a dream, stop, sit or lie down. Then ask the person what you want to run away from, how you could react better. In other words, if running doesn't help, face the situation. Instead of "getting it away", use it.