Recreate every song in Minecraft with noteblocks?

- in Mods

Is it possible to recreate a complete song in Minecraft on a Minecraft server? Unfortunately I have no rights to use a mod menu such as Not Block Studio… I imagine something where I upload the song as an MP3 or other file and then get the number of hits on the note pads.


I'm not very familiar with note pads, but I still think it's possible, but you can also play a note pad sound with a command block. The songs don't all sound as good with note pads as they do in real life. Hope could help.


Thanks for your quick answer, but I already know the knowledge you have mentioned here. I have formulated the question a bit wrongly


I'm too stupid to recreate a little song with noteblocks…

Still, I think it's possible…

There are so many videos on YouTube sehr xD

"Minecraft Noteblocks (Here then the song)"


I can't do it myself, but if you know the tones or certain programs for it, it will certainly work.


Do you already realize that they are not built by hand?


Of course, they are built by hand.


Yes that works but you have to be patient and know every note of the song.