Free Minecraft Server host? - 1

- in Mods


Me and my girlfriend had rented a Minecraft server months ago and had already built a lot, with all the mods

We just want to continue building again, but can't pay more, we had around 50 mods (can't remember exactly) and accordingly more GB, but I don't find any hosters that offer servers for free with enough free GB, someone might know still free hosters or other options that keep the server stable?

(Neither I nor you can run hamachi or the like with so many mods (are mainly decoration mods etc.) Because we don't have enough RAM to run the whole server on our pc and the server would crash through and through) and mods taking it out is out of the question because we have already used each of the mods on the map and it will be destroyed


Free of charge will be difficult, if the know-how is there I would run it every hour via a google cloud.


How is this suppossed to work?


Aternos who is a good alternative



It's just relatively complicated


I had one like that, it was lagging the whole time, the server crashed several times, you had to wait in a queue and click OK the second it was your turn, otherwise you had to wait all over again. And they don't support Forge either. Aternos is garbage.


It's not free


There's no such thing for free… At least not if it should always be online and it should run stable.

Alternatively, you can simply set up your own server. It's online when you are, because you have to start it yourself on your computer.

If only you two are playing and you are only playing together anyway, then I would do it that way.


Your question was taken seriously, but there's no free 4GB. The hosters would then get even more numbers and nothing more.

And for 4GB, 6 euro is not much.


On our old server we had 8 or so. As I said. 50 mods. And apparently the question was not taken seriously, because if I did, I would be given answers that have to do with the question. Until now, everyone just wrote some hosters that cost money. If anyone were to take the question seriously, they would have informed me about hosters that are actually free.

Basically, they could just as easily have written me a list of all possible paid hosters and it wouldn't help a bit, because as I said, I'm looking for free hosts. If I didn't care if it cost money, I wouldn't have asked the question in the first place, because I would have just stayed with the old hoster


No, it's already possible, there are several small projects that make this possible. It's just that they don't pay enough attention. Zmb I recently came across runs well and is on 24/7. Very good for gameserver and databases.


We don't care about being online because we're always on it together anyway

And if you had read my question completely, you would also be aware that your suggestion was already rejected in my question.


I just mentioned it anyway. There's no other way.

Either like this or pay. After all, they also need the RAM and do not get it made available free of charge by some benefactors…


Attention! This answer will really help you:

I have to say that all providers have lost my VANILLA world!

If you want to host a server, the best thing to do is to take a fee-paying server or host your own on your computer with NGROG!


And yet you don't have to turn me on so stupidly, if you can't help, then it's best to shut up completely. I'm well aware that there are mostly paid servers. However, there can always be alternatives that you haven't heard of that still fix the problem.

If I'm looking for any server, no matter whether it is free or not, I could have informed myself and I would not have to ask any questions whether there's something that I like. Sad that people always want to add their mustard everywhere, regardless of whether that answers the question or not.


I don't have the money to take out any subscriptions. The world we have built is stored on our PCs. Besides, our world is made up of mods (Forge)


It depends on how big the mods are. In any case, there's not everything you want. So: I'm / we're sorry, but no hosting company offers a server with that much RAM for free.


With 50 mods which 99% of them contain items, you can imagine how big it has to be.


You have 300 euro starting credit


And used up after a week or like 🤡

I don't want a subscription, not even if someone gives me money, that'll be gone after a while


🤡I want everything for free forever


If it's Forge I can help you:

Simply download Forge in the application not into the client but as a server, navigate the server to where you want it and start the .jar file! This is now a test server that you can put online with NGROCK!


Ploudos works fine for free! I can recommend it! Can you also load the mods you programmed via FTP!