Minecraft Voice Chat?

- in Mods

I'm a YouTuber and would like to do a Roleplay project with friends…

… And now I have a question.

Is there a Minecraft voice chat mod, but not such a Gliby's voice chat mod, because I also want that when you move away from a player, you hear that player more quietly and he hears you too.

I say thank you in advance.


Is there as far as I do not know, IF then only for TeamSpeak, just search:
"TS3 Minecraft RP Voice Plugin / Mod"


Yes, but I have tried again now and Glibby is even possible.

Sorry again but thanks for answering so fast!


No problem, have fun and good luck with your project!


Thank you very much!


LabyMod has such a function, why do not you take the.


Why do not you use something like Discord or Ts? Is the best easy


So now again to all: "I thank you for your help, but have found a mod myself, thanks anyway!"

Prefix system? sp spleenPerch
Voice chat minecraft server? Pr PrefaceUnusual