Minecraft Item Transport Mod from Attack of the B-Team?

- in Mods

I'm looking for a Minecraft mod that was introduced many years ago (4-6?) by Spark of Phoenix and also used in his project (Galaxy) back then (?). Besides, I think he definitely was in the Modpack Attack of the B team.

To the mod:
With the help of this mod you were able to transport (silver-like) small poles (about 2x2x16) items similar to funnels (only in every possible direction). Also, I think there were machines connected to the poles (?) Where you put CDs or something similar (?) To control the behavior (maybe something else?). As already mentioned, this one was introduced by Spark of Phoenix and came, I think, at least in his Galaxy project as well as in Attack of the B-Team.

Maybe some "old, experienced Minecrafter" among you remember it.

I would be very happy to receive a question-related answer.


EnderIO - Item Conduit?


Many Thanks!
Was exactly the one I was looking for!