Minecraft goal?

- in Mods

When i play minecraft i never know what to do i always build a house and defeat the ender kite but then i don't know what to do next.

Are there any mods that bring in new goals in minecraft like dungons or something else

I also like crafting so now, for example, nh mod where you want an item crafting because you need other items that take a long time to find or for crafting because the items are yours or something

Or maybe there's nh mod with more item for crafting the z.b. Also gold make sense or rotten flash or emeralds Or a new boss

I would be happy if you suggest a few mods that simply bring in new goals


One idea would be to play with buddies and build cool worlds there. I've already done it. You can spend a lot of time with…


So I played in Minecraft most of the time when there wasn't even an Ender Dragon.

I built my own world, made up stories and just kept building, expanding, etc.

I had so many buildings that at some point I connected them with a subway. Then a hotel was added, etc.

If you can't think of anything else in Minecraft, just take a break.

Excessive stimulation is not good