Can I install Minecraft mods without Forge?

- in Mods

Can I install Minecraft mods without Forge?

I ask this because Forge doesn't work on my Mac because it's too old.

I downloaded Forge and the installer opened. So I started installing Forge but unfortunately a window opened and I got the message that the version of the Mac was too old for Forge.

Unfortunately there's no update available because the Mac itself is too old.

Because he is 15-20 years old.

Does anyone know how to install something?


Sorry, unfortunately there's no way.
The Minecraft developers wanted the players to use mods, but the function is not integrated in Minecraft Vanilla but you definitely need Forge or another modloader…

There are many of them (e.g. Minecraft Fabric), but now I don't know of any that also supports Forge Mods😉