Curse Forge (Minecraft) download always breaks off just before the end?

- in Mods

I want to download a modpack from curse forge, (all the mods 3) but shortly before the end it always breaks off and then all the progress is always gone.

(Have extremely bad internet)

I have all the mods jar files on it because a friend uploaded it to google drive and we tried something.

Can't I just manually create the folder, so to speak, and put the mods in there and then click on download and then it just adds the missing rest?


If you already write yourself that you have bad internet, you know why it is.


You can also install yourself in the Vanilla Launcher Forge and insert the mods yourself.

This "Can't I just manually create the folder, so to speak, and put the mods in there and then click on download and then it just adds the missing rest?" it does not work. Curseforge is not that clever.