What build in Minecraft Revelation?

- in Mods

I'm currently playing Minecraft Revelaltion (3.0.1) and I do not know what else I can build / craft.
I have a big house, a warehouse with boxes, a Tinker melt, enough energy, an automated void ore (with melts, etc.), and whatever else you need on machines for everything.

What's in the mod is still useful, or could be interesting? I'm overtaxed with all the mods honestly.


Build Applied Energistics Autocrafting. Learn P2P. Build Actually Additions Machines. Make Blood Magic. Bees. Draconic Evolution Mob Farm and Energy Ball. EnderIO. Nanobot Beacons from Enviromental Tech. Immersive Diesel Generator. RFTools use for special worlds. Soul Shards Mob Farms. Thaumcraft. Play Twilight Forrest without being an OP. Explore Lost Cities. Woot farms.

Is really much to do.