Twitch app does not recognize Minecraft?

- in Mods

My friends and I just wanted to play a round of Minecraft FeedTheBeast (Modpack) for fun. In the meantime you need the Twitch Launcher (Twitch App).

Unfortunately, the app does not seem to work properly for me: The launcher indicates that I have not installed Minecraft as a game on my machine. I click on "install" reload the page, but nothing changes. If you click on "extended" you can change the installation path for Minecraft (which I already own). This feature is useless, the site loads here only for a short moment and I get Minecraft not installed.

Other than that, I did not get Minecraft into the Twitch Launcher, can anyone help me?

LG Lumpey

Twitch app does not recognize Minecraft

Get the old FTB launcher, there are all FTB packs. Only CurseForge packs do not work there.


But how am I supposed to get that?

You can't download it anywhere


Sure, there's still that:

Click on "Legacy Windows", directly under the download button.


Now I found it, thank you! Most helpful answer you have!