Roccat Kone Aimo or Glorious Model O?


Play mostly Minecraft


I own the Roccat Kone Aimo myself and am very satisfied with this mouse. Your question is rather the Roccat Kone Aimo or the Glorious Model O. This question can't be answered because you should take a look at the two animals. The Roccat Kone Aimo is a mouse for people who have a large hand and are very suitable know the Roccat Kone Aimo is a heavy mouse and not a lightweight, exactly the opposite is the case with the Glorious Model O. This mouse attaches great importance to the fact that this mouse is very light and that you can see it because of the holes. So you just have to test both mice best and then you can decide which mouse suits you better. I can only say that I'm very satisfied with my Roccat Kone Aimo


The Glorious Model O is better for PVP because the Model O is lightweight, making it easier to manuver around the mousepad. The Roccat Kone Aimo is better for drag clicks/ godbridging like techniques because it has more friction and weight to it, meaning its easier to drag click without holding the mouse. For me, i would choose both if possible.