Do you miss the old days too?


I'm currently 17 and miss the old days so much. Life at the moment is just not what it used to be. Back then around 2012, life was just so enjoyable. Snow in winter, playing outside with friends, faxing, playing football, but we were also respectful of older people and afraid of older people. Music was completely better then, be it rap or music. Football on TV was much more passionate. Back in school, 10th graders really looked like 10th graders. The youth were just not as lazy, disrespectful, anti-social, illiterate as they are today. Back then you were so happy about a cell phone and played minecraft etc. With it and you were so happy. Now I'm in 11th grade and actually feel a lot younger. Back when I was in 3rd grade and saw 11th graders, the boys were really reasonable and the girls looked incredibly good. All of this is no longer the case. Time flies much faster than it did then. It's been 6 months since the summer vacation… When I was in 1st class and in Bremerhaven, there weren't any smartphones and everything was livelier and not so monotonous, and without all this technology you just had it anyway everything you need… On TV the series were all much better and Toggo also had such good films / series / documentaries etc… Am I imagining it all or was everything better at the time? I miss the old life so much.


Much was easier in the past. Many things were not known, I feel the same as you.

I'm now happy if I can have some rest at the weekend and do something that suits my interests.


2012 was the good old days? I curl up on the floor laughing. If you would tell something about the 1980s… But eight years ago, with a smartphone, laptop and online games? Where was the difference to today? Once you get 40, you can start to afford such sayings. Before that it just looks silly, really. The transfiguration of the past prevents the present from being mastered. It often serves as a convenient excuse not to tackle his problems.


The transfiguration of the past prevents the present from being mastered.


I think you don't miss the old days but your childhood. Maybe nostalgia?


I'm 23 and yes, everything was actually better in the past.

Extremely miss the 2000s.


Also believe that I miss my childhood. Especially until I was 7 I lived in Bremerhaven and I had a friend who lived in front of me. He also experiences a lot of very dangerous things with him. Then unfortunately we moved away and I didn't even say goodbye even though he was like a brother to me. Then found new friends here in Bremen and everything but I often think about what it would have been like if I had stayed in my true home… The school back then in Bremerhaven I often think what it would have been like if I had the 2,3,4 class etc the old class and a lot more… I remember some experiences 100% and that just makes me sad… Especially when I see idols and family members getting older…


In 2012 it all started slowly with smartphones and Playstation 3 etc… I miss this time because now everything is not as hyped as it was back then… Playstation 5 is coming soon and it is just not that exciting feeling what you have