I bought a pc a few months ago for 90 euro and 1 tb hdd for 25 euro
am actually happy with it can do my homework games now and then minecraft and gta sa
as you have heard you can download up to the 21 gta 5 for free from the epicgames store. Of course I already claimed it so I could download it at any time now I see that the pc is too bad of course hihi how could I upgrade the pc so best cheap as possible that it is enough for gta or other games
and the 2 question would be what could I play with the pc in this state, besides gta sa and mc would be good if these were free games 🥰😁
In itself it will work.
I would get another memory stick. So that you have 8 GB in dual channel 2x4GB or 2x8GB.
then the game definitely runs in 720p with 30-50 FPS.
If you upgrade the GPU, it will look even more.
Now that means haha know me from there unfortunately with the components you could link it to me or what I would have to enter eg at amazon
Upgrading the system is no longer worthwhile. For GTA V a lot would have to be exchanged. Sure, it works without it, but then it looks like this:
Another 4 GB of RAM, an SSD and a clever graphics card (GTX 750Ti) would be an option.