Good laptop around 400-500 euro?


I have already asked this question in a similar way, but since I'm still not sure which laptop is the best in terms of price / performance ratio, I simply narrow it down between the laptops mentioned below:

Gladly with justification for which laptop you would choose and why.

I only need the device to surf the web, office and uncomplicated games like Minecraft or Sims.


The asus has more memory than the Lenovo and I would really keep my hands off the Hp


The HP has an unsuitable Intel iGPU.

The Asus has the best features of the two Ryzen systems, which are also conditionally well suited for gaming


No vote due to missing user criteria.

Hi there,

A current comparison list is contained in each computer image (CB).

The CB appears every 14 days and criteria for the placement are mentioned there - contrary to your question!


The first offer is a letdown. There's still old and very slow DDR3 Ram installed. The laptop in general is old. The second one is ok but the third one is the best because it is downshifted, has a large SSD and is super fair. And to be honest, he's the prettiest. However, some users think that the fan is a bit louder. Still, Asus' is the best.


Thank you, will I make ends meet for a few years? Shouldn't be unusable now after 2 years… Had that with an old, much more expensive Acer.


I think you will be able to make ends meet in the next few years. It should be enough for your purposes.

Conclusion: It is worth it for the price.


Little hint. If you don't know which graphics card / graphics chip is faster or which CPU is better, you can visit the website. Drop by. You can actually compare everything.


I don't need the laptop until the end of this year, since I will study abroad from then on. Don't I have to worry about finding a much better deal by then? 😅

Sure there will always be an offer somewhere but for the price I should actually be on the safe side right? I want to buy my laptop now, after all, it shouldn't be sold out.


I think you're right. If you don't want to wait any longer, you can order it now. If I find a better offer soon, I should contact you.


Look here:

It was once reduced (unfortunately not anymore). But with a few discount codes from the Internet you can get him cheaper for a few euro. For 65 euro more, it has a 1TB SSD, 16GB Ram and a quieter fan. For this, one person believes that the battery life would be less than specified.

As I said


Thanks, my favorite is better than the asus?

once had a acer, was unfortunately very dissatisfied.


Is actually basically the same equipment as the Asus, except for the advantages that you mentioned. Hard drive is not so important to me now, but the RAM upgrade could be noticeable… I'll have a look, but thanks in any case!


Always my pleasure!


Well, he has a little better equipment. But whether the 70 euro surcharge is worth it is questionable. In my opinion 8GB Ram is completely sufficient for every normal user. I think the reduced Asus laptop that you suggested is the best in terms of price and performance and I would stay that way in my opinion.


At least has a 512 GB SSD, the 256 GB of the Lenovo would quickly be full, and the processor of the HP is not very good.