I want to learn to program Minecraft plugins with Eclipse who knows websites with the basics? Please send them in here
Please no comments like "you have to learn Java in general"
or "Look at videos" I noticed myself when I wanted to start with videos that bring nothing but please only to the left of websites or forums PS: I want to work with Spigot
I can recommend the YouTuber BiVieh to you, he explains very well and comprehensively what he does and why. After you have his playlist through, you have a very good and sound knowledge.
With him, I also looked at the beginning but that brings nothing ps I said left to go forums. I'm stuck in the things with the strings have nothing more kappiert from there nothing
Personally, I've learned programming at the German YouTuber Lonzbonz.
But I can recommend you some forums here:
Official Spigot Javadocs - https://hub.spigotmc.org/...mmary.html
Spigot GitHub - https://github.com/...m/SpigotMC
Official Spigot Site (with forum and wiki) - https://www.spigotmc.org/...gotmc.org/ /
The question is already outdated and I also learn at Lonzbonz.