Minecraft Owner can ban admin but Admin does not ban the owner?

- in Plugins

I have a question and I have a small test server. I want to ban my admin (or all other groups that are under me) but the admin can't ban me. Is that possible? And if so how?

I use the plugins PermissonsEx and AdvancedBann. Me and the admin have the "" permisson. I hope you understand the question and can answer it.


It is like that, if you use the given groups of Pex, and just z. B. Edit the group Admin, then this is subordinate to the owner and can't ban the owner.


How do I edit this group that is subordinate to me (the owner)?

I'm still new in the topic Pex. Always had LuckyPerms before.


If you use the commands for [Group] Admin, you already have the subordinate group. Unfortunately, I do not know how you do it with new groups, but Pex has already preset the basic groups for you. And the owner's group is Admin. You can also see all groups with / pex groups list


Thank you very much!