How do I dedosse my own Minecraft server?

- in Plugins

Just to be clear at the beginning it is MY OWN server and it is for testing purposes only.

I want to see what happens when I Dedosse my server because I want to test whether the "You have joined the server too often in too short a time" plugin works.

So I wanted to ask with which tool I'm doing this or with whether I can do it directly from the CMD.


With DDOS tools at most. And you can also ping the server via your cmd, but this can't be called ddos. A real DDOS is a botnet made up of thousands of hacked PCs. You can't simulate something like that with your cmd and also not simply with a tool.

You need a botnet yourself or you hire a security company to ddosed the server for you.


DDoSing can be done with Loic (Low orbit ion cannon)

You can find it at SourceForge


You will probably not get your own server in your own network down.

And if you have rented a server somewhere and want this DDoS, you are still making yourself liable to prosecution with this attack.

So all in all, something that you don't need to think about any further.


And if (is not so) I host a server from my own PC then it would not be a criminal offense, would it?


You can do whatever you want in your own network.

But as I said… You won't get it to crash.


A plugin can't do anything against a (D) DOS attack.

What you have installed is a rudimentary measure against bot attacks.

But rather useless in a real bot attack.

(In this context, a bot attack is hundreds of MC accounts trying to connect to the server at the same time)