A plugin for Minecraft, with which one can sign items?

- in Plugins

I'm looking for a plugin with which server members can sign items. That would be especially useful at event days or so.

Is not super important, but would be glad if someone knows one.


How can one understand the signing?

Can you rewrite that?


To sign like in Griefergames. So that's just there "signed by…" is, so it is something unique. Then other players can be sure that this is the original of, for example, an event day or so.


Did you give me a screenshot of what I still do not know exactly what you mean, unfortunately I'm no longer an active Minecraft player, but I suspect that you will have to do extra programming.

Or you are looking for a plugin to be able to code item names Color.


Just join me on Discord (Name: Entity303 # 2079) or Skype (Name: endivie02). Then I would program this plugin to you.


I just need to know how to send you a screenshot. Alternatively you can google "Griefergames, signing", that's pretty much what I mean.


Ah understand, someone will have to program that for you.

Endivie04 wants to offer it to you.


Take a look at the market place around https://dev.thcdev.de/...ner=MaxKng