Minecraft players put heads as helmet?

- in Plugins

Hi I'm programming for a long time on a lobby plugin now I have the function heads out and I want that a player in the inventory on z.b. The palute head clicks it then automatically the head of palutes AS HELMET automatically set gets so only the code write where the player should then get the head set


Ask at once on stackoverflow



or if the link does not work:

public void onInventoryInteract2 (InventoryClickEvent event)
Player p = (Player) event.getWhoClicked ();
if (event.getCurrentItem (). GetItemMeta (). GetDisplayName (). EqualsIgnoreCase ("Palutens Head")) // or whatever that means
event.getClickedInventory (). SetItem (39, event.getCurrentItem ());

Perse, it would have to go like this, whereby I made that fast on the…

You have to try it.